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Jalna Runners Marathon

Jalna Runners Marathon - 1 Edition

Event On - 29th Jan 2023

Registration Closed


The Times have been hard for all of us amidst the pandemic and our cops have been the unsung heroes who went out of the way to keep all of us safe. Running has become a sensation and running for a cause not only shows one's support but also gives you an inner satisfaction. The 'Jalna Runners Marathon 2023' is being organized by Fab Runners Group on the 29th of Jan 2023 calling all runners to come run for health. The marathon will start at the Kalash Seed Ground,Mantha Chaufuli at 6.00.a.m. Participants young & old can take part in the 5km run starting at 6:30 am and 10km run start at 6:15am and 21km run at 6.00 am. This event will go a long way in further promoting running in the city and encourage a healthy and fit lifestyle. So come register, run and make a difference!!
This Marathon will be organized as per the existing safety rules and regulations imposed by the state ,civic and police authorities.

Terms and Conditions:

• I acknowledge that The Jalna Runners marathon 2023, to take place on Sunday, 29th january 2023, is an extreme test of a person‘s physical and mental limits and carries with it the potential risk for serious injury, property loss and death in extreme cases. There are both known risks and unanticipated risks.
• The known risks include, but are not limited to travails by road, temperature, weather, the physical and mental condition of the participants including physical and mental condition, my acts or omissions or failure to act, first aid, emergency treatment or other services rendered, consumption of food or drink, lack of hydration, latent or apparent defects or conditions in any equipment or property supplied by the Jalna Runners Marathon team, or other persons and/or entities, vehicular traffic and actions of other people including any other external events.
• I understand and acknowledge that the above listing is not complete or exhaustive, and that other risks, known or unknown, identified or unidentified, anticipated or unanticipated, foreseeable or unforeseeable, may also result in injury, or damage to myself or property, and I expressly accept and acknowledge those risks not specifically listed above as well.
• I expressly agree, covenant, and promise to accept and assume all responsibility and risk for injury, illness disease, death, damage to myself or to property, to other participants, spectators or to other third parties and their property, arising from or relating to my participation in Jalna Runners Marathon 2023 – organised practices, activities and/or events and all related activities.
• I am voluntarily electing to participate in, attend, Jalna Runners Marathon 2023 organised activities and/or events in spite of these risks.
• I certify that I am physically fit, have sufficiently trained for participation in Jalna Runners Marathon 2023 organised practices, activities and/or events and have not been advised otherwise by a qualified medical person I irrevocably waive, release and forever discharge from any and every claim, demand, action or right of action of whatever nature or kind and all liability of any kind which may hereafter accrue to me in connection with my participating in, Jalna Runners Marathon 2023 organised practices, activities and/or events, Jalna Runners Marathon their past, present and future directors, officers, members, employees, servants, volunteers, representatives, and agents, event holders, event sponsors, event directors, event volunteers, and event officials.
• I HEREBY WAIVE, RELEASE, DISCHARGE, HOLD HARMLESS AND PROMISE TO INDEMNIFY AND NOT TO SUE the Releases and the sponsors of Jalna Runners Marathon, the organised practices, activities and/or events, the organizers and, and employees through or by which practices and/or events will be held, FROM ANY AND ALL RIGHTS AND CLAIMS INCLUDING CLAIMS ARISING FROM THE RELEASEE‘S OWN NEGLIGENCE. Also, I agree due to unforeseen circumstances like inclement weather, political situation on the day of the event the registration fee will not be refunded by the organizer of the event Jalna Runners Marathon 2023. However, if the event is postponed the registered participant will be eligible to participate for the fresh date.
• I am aware that the registration fee that is paid by me is non-refundable at any stage nor my registration will be transferred to another participant.

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Important Dates

  • Registration Start Date 27th Jan 2023
  • Event Date 29th Jan 2023

Registration Fees

  • 21 Km Run 1399.97 All Inc.
  • 10 Km Run 900 All Inc.
  • 5 Km Rum 600 All Inc.


  • Not Available

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